Bragg Creek Artisans

Artisans Bylaws

Article 1.

The name of this organization shall be “Bragg Creek Artisans”.

Article 2.

The purpose of this organization shall be to foster and encourage the development of Arts and Crafts among the members of the Bragg Creek community. This shall be accomplished through the formation of groups of persons having common interest who will work together, encouraging and helping each other, and through the organization of exhibitions and sales of the works of the members.

Article 3.

Section a)

The Bragg Creek Artisans shall be an autonomous organization which will operate out of the Bragg Creek Community facilities. Therefore, in order to become a member of the organization, a person should be a current member of the Bragg Creek Community Association. In addition, individuals must qualify under at least one of the requirements listed below:

i. have a Bragg Creek, Redwood Meadows, Millarville or Priddis area mailing address,

ii. reside in Bragg Creek, Redwood Meadows, Millarville or Priddis area,

iii. own property in Bragg Creek, Redwood Meadows, Millarville or Priddis area.

Section b)

Once a membership is obtained, for the purpose of renewal it must be kept active by:

i. attending two meetings a year,

ii. participation in the study groups or on committees,

iii. attending workshops.

Section c)

If membership lapses it may be reinstated at the discretion of the Executive.

Section d)

Membership will not be denied an active member regardless of where he or she moves.

Section e)

To participate in sales, Artisans must have been members prior to July first of the current year.

Section f)

No current member’s status will be changed by the implementation of these bylaws.

Article 4.

Membership Dues:

Upon joining the organization and at the beginning of each fiscal year, members will be asked the following dues:
Adult (18-55 years) $20.00
Family (spouse & minor children) $25.00
Senior (over 55 years) $10.00

Article 5.

Section a)

The Executive of this organization will be made up of the following Officers:
Past President
Vice President
Directors (one Director of each Craft and Art group).

Section b)

Each officer will be elected for a term of one year and may be re-elected for not more than two additional terms.

Section c)

In the event that the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director can no longer serve, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement to serve for the balance of the term.

Section d)

Elections shall be held once each year, in December. Voting, accomplished by a show of hands, shall take place at the Annual General Meeting of the Membership.

Section e)

Prior to the election of new Officers, the Executive shall appoint a nomination committee of three to draw up a slate of Officers for the coming year. This shall be supplemented by the nominations from the floor during the Annual General Meeting held to elect the new Executive.

Section f)

The duties of the Officers shall be as follows:

i) The President:
The total program of the organization, is the President’s responsibility. The specific duties are:
1) to attend and preside at all executive and general meetings and events sponsored by the organization during the tenure of office,
2) to call regular Executive meetings to discuss business which can be handled by the Executive
3) to coordinate the work of the Executive and the committees so that the organization will operate smoothly.

ii) The Vice President:
1) to take over the President’s duties temporarily when the President is unable to attend a meeting,
2) to cooperate with and help the President, sharing the responsibility

iii) The Secretary
1) to take the minutes of each meeting,
2) to handle all the correspondence of the organization.

iv) The Treasurer:
1) to handle the finances and banking of the organization,
2) to submit financial statements at each Executive meeting and a year-end statement at the year-end General meeting,
3) To pay all bills of the organization using cheques signed by two of these three Officers: President, Vice President or Treasurer

v) The Directors:
1) to function as the leaders of the groups they represent,
2) to be liaisons between their groups and the Executive.

1) Meetings of the Executive shall be held as often as the Executive deems necessary. There shall be at least one general meeting of the Membership each year.

1) A minimum of four members will be considered a quorum for the regular Executive meetings.
2) Those present at a general meeting will be considered a quorum provided the meeting and the subjects to be voted on have properly advertised two weeks in advance.

1) The bylaws may be amended by advertising the changes to be made to the general membership two weeks in advance. A simple majority vote will be sufficient to effect the advertised changes.

Parliamentary Rules
1) This organization shall be govered by the rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, revised in all cases where they are applicable.

Bragg Creek Community Centre

The Monthly Bragg Creek workshops and meetings take place at the Bragg Creek Community Centre. This is also the location of the Christmas Sale.

23 White Avenue, Bragg Creek